Forums - how good is mega man(mvc2) Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- how good is mega man(mvc2) ( Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 04:24:2001 06:27 PM: hey im trying to learn how to use megaman w/ sent and BH...i can use him ok and he does good agaisnt newbs and some good people but i need to know how he can be affactive, i can do his trap w/ sent and the one w/ BH but is there anything else i can do?...any suggestions or help would be nice...thanks...btw this is fopr strats combos etc... Posted by fei long on 04:24:2001 06:48 PM: sups , megaman has a infinite, learn that to tack on extra damage in a corner ( i think it only works there but im not sure) its jump lk mp hp , the timing is a bit difficult and ive only gotten two reps at most, try it , tell me how it goes ~!payce out!~ Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 04:24:2001 06:50 PM: k thanks, any good sent or BH ones?... Posted by Voodoo on 04:24:2001 07:28 PM: Just abuse his j.fierce. It's the most damaging, single hitting, normal move in the game. Maybe some rockballs thrown in. But avoid his supers (use the level with sent/bh), even if they do hit, they don't do very much damage. Posted by Roo_Matthew on 04:24:2001 07:36 PM: I don't know how to use Megaman, but my friend has worked out a great trap. I'll let you know later. Posted by Redcoldfire on 04:24:2001 10:26 PM: ha i love using mega-man tho IMO he is not that good of a charerter if not played correctly.... yes abuse your fierce button to all its worth... learn the infinity...and i suggest you use those rockballs to help in the making sure they dont move,plus asist.. ha he's really fun IMO againest newbies ... always running in to a a shot..... HA Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:24:2001 11:14 PM: On a scale of 1 to 10 MegaMan gets a -77984. shit you owe me a couple of points Posted by JaHa on 04:25:2001 05:35 AM: megaman is a underdog like the rest of the 40 sumthin characters he doesnt have what it takes to keep up with cable storm sent etc Posted by State of Nature on 04:25:2001 08:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by JaHa megaman doesnt have what it takes to keep up with cable storm sent etc Sorry man, but you have no clue. Megaman is actually considered a counter character to Cable. Repeated jumping fierces aimed at Cable's head plus doom rocks pins cable to the ground and prevents him from AHVBing. His charged megabuster also goes through AHVB, and his rockball traps are effective Cable pinners. His rockball also can bring down a runaway storm. The only example which you gave which is true is Sentinel, as Sentinel's super armor makes him harder to pin down with Megaman's tricks. Megaman is decent second tier. Posted by LoserBoy on 04:25:2001 09:31 AM: ghj wow cool Posted by Roo_Matthew on 04:25:2001 01:37 PM: ? Posted by VruS on 04:25:2001 01:42 PM: too my knowledge megman can hold up against magneto too. Posted by Chaotic Blue on 04:26:2001 12:20 AM: Counter Trap Mega man is my counter trap. team -> (Mega man, Cable, Storm) Since I started playing megaman from the begining I know how to play mega man which holding the f.punch. Since people tend to call out assist for traps I just run around building meter, when I get three meters and I see there assist i release the big ball. In which 50% of the time the main character blocks then stops because knows there assist is going to die or thinks it can only hit one person at a time. Then hyper megaman, to HVB, at the end of this it takes about 80%, maybe 70 on sent, and if nessesary call storm and do the 100%. I love doing this against the cable storm trap as megaman is too short to get hit by the bullets right away and storm comes out to do her typhoon. 2 chars for the price of one.. Posted by SSF2T on 04:26:2001 09:55 AM: a) MegaMan can take out Magneto. Since Magneto can't beat MegaMan's Rndh attacks. b) I use the Tornado, instead of Rock Ball. It combos better. D.rndh, into Tornado. Very annoying. But mistakes kills you. c) His Super/Hyper Combo not to bad, they do decent damage, but are really slow. d) Charge attack is really good against assists, and Cable players, if charged long enough. But I don't use it much, since it's to much time consuming. Posted by AshramTI on 04:26:2001 06:24 PM: how do you do megaman's infinite and rockball trap? Posted by Terazon on 04:27:2001 12:42 AM: Talking about my favorite character are you? Megaman is probably the 11th best character in the game. With Spiral he can trap and chip from a distance alittle, and if he gets in trouble he can safe tag if he stores enough red charge to Spiral and let her kill off the opponent. With Blackheart-B, Sentinel-Y, Doom-A/B, Cable-A/Y he can easily take over the fight with traps if you aren't careful. He can be played agressively as well although I must admit he's alittle better away from close combat. I have a wierd style of play with him since I play mainly for fun. If you want me to tell you it I will if asked. It's extremely agressive as far as Mega goes. Only recently have I started to trap. As you can see I'm a fast learner. Here are some traps. [An Asterisk (*) show assist call points. Double asterisks(**) are stronger suggested call points]. Doom-A assist. You can call the assist almost anywhere in the pattern. [Having Psylocke or Jin anti air is helpful as redundand defense if they escape the trap. Please note That Megaman's standing hk has some insaine priority against jump ins.] 1]**,Jump and while in mid air,**,hold hp [Sends blue plasmoid] 2]Land,**,Drop rockball 3]*,Kick rockball 4]**,Fire charged Megabuster 5]Repeat from step 1 or alter pattern. If they superjump, you can drop another rockball, superjump back up after them and shoot them in the face again forcing them to block. You can also do 2-3 jumping hp,**, Drop Rockball, kick it, repeat for some added fun and variation. Doom-B with Blackheart-B [From Lord Locke] Setup]Corner foe 1]Charge Megabuster 2]Dash in and call doom+ducking[2lk,hk]Doom hits just after the ducking hk 3]Drop rockball, 4]Wait till Doom is about to leave and kick rockball 5]Fire Charged Megabuster 6]Repeat. -If they guardpush, dash back in and attack with the ducking lk and Assist call. If you can't make it back in, fire whatever's left, and Call Blackheart. Dash back in, and try to start it over again. Blackheart-Beta. Call Blackheart only at step 4. 1]As Doom A till step 4 or 5 2]Repeat as in above trap or fire a light megabuster, from the ground or air based on where the opponent is and repeat. Beam or projectile assist [Cable, Storm, Etc...] See Doom-A. Easier to escape due to superjumping. Have a backup assist like Commando, Jin, Cyclops, or Psylocke for example. Spiral-A [Experimental trap.] 1]**,Jump and while in mid air,**,hold hp [Sends blue plasmoid] 2]Land,*,Drop rockball 3]*,Kick rockball 4]**,Fire charged Megabuster 5]Repeat from step 1 or alter pattern. Basically, by using the above guidelines you can overload the screen with crap and remove most of their options. Most of the traps Megaman uses are DOT [Denial of Options Trap] and screen overload based and not lockdown based. In most cases the assist is best called [IMSO] to relace the release of a rockball of to follow one up. There are many exceptions however. There are alot of assists that will work in these traps like anything I mentioned in the first paragraph. DO NOT GET REDUNDANT. REDUNDANCY WILL BREAK YOUR TRAPS LIKE A TEN POUND SLEDGEHAMMER CAN BREAK BONES. Megaman may very well be next. Since I'm new to trapping, feel free to repaste, modify and politely correct the above information to get it perfect should there be any errors [though I doubt there will be]. As for his infinite I've known the commands for but neglected to master his the execution of his infinite. Here it is... 1]Get the opponent off the ground stunned and helpless, or execute a guardbreak 2]Jump at the opponent 3]While you are both in the air 2lp, hp, 4]Land and immediately repeat from step 2. Posted by AshramTI on 04:27:2001 01:23 PM: does the infinite work of his launcher? Posted by fei long on 04:27:2001 06:59 PM: i dont think so , your going to need a assist to do it , but im sure you can find ways to connect the infinite with megaman by himself , guardbreak seem to be effective way to do it also ,kinda like cable's jump shoot guard break and then whatever peaxe Posted by Terazon on 04:28:2001 08:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by AshramTI does the infinite work of his launcher? NO. However, you can air throw them into it by pressing lp or lk as Mega lets go of them. Also, Psylocke-Alpha is quite helpful, hint, hint. Try this... 1]hk 2]air combo [lp,lk,mp,mk, air throw, lk/lp,] 3]jump towards them,[2lp,hp,] 4]land and repeat step 3 indefinitely. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 04:28:2001 09:57 PM: whoa this is some kool stuff...i use mega man w/ sent ground and BH anti works welll, wts the trap w/ mega and sent? Posted by Terazon on 04:28:2001 10:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by DemiDeviMatt whoa this is some kool stuff...i use mega man w/ sent ground and BH anti works welll, wts the trap w/ mega and sent? DemiDeviMatt, I believe the traps with these 2 work the same way as the Doom-A "IS PHRASED" in my first post on this page. It just looks different and has a different persona to it. Sentinel-y is a projectile assist as far as Megaman's traps go, [It's just called ground to avoid some confusion. Here it is again. An Asterisk (*) show assist call points. Double asterisks(**) are stronger suggested call points. Sentinel-Y assist. You can call the assist almost anywhere in the pattern. Having Psylocke, "Blackheart", or Jin anti air is helpful as redundand defense if they escape the trap. 1]**,Jump and while in mid air,**,hold hp [Sends blue plasmoid] 2]Land,**,Drop rockball 3]*,Kick rockball 4]**,Fire charged Megabuster 5]Repeat from step 1 or alter pattern. If they superjump, you can drop another rockball, superjump back up after them and shoot them in the face again forcing them to block. You can also do this: **, 2-3 jumping hp,**, Drop Rockball, kick it, repeat or modify for some added fun and variation. [This is another trap by the way]. The Blackheart Assist trap to my knowledge works the same way as I showed earlier. If I was wrong I would probably have been corrected by someone by now. I could be wrong however, but my doubts are only strengthening. I hope this helps. Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 04:28:2001 10:58 PM: i used to love megaman...but ever since people broke my MM trap with Senteniel he fucken sucks now!!! but the blue fire ball thingys takes off so much!!! Posted by Dynamyte2U on 04:28:2001 11:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by Big Pete Roasa On a scale of 1 to 10 MegaMan gets a -77984. shit you owe me a couple of points quote: Originally posted by JaHa megaman is a underdog like the rest of the 40 sumthin characters he doesnt have what it takes to keep up with cable storm sent etc What the hell are you scrubs talking about? I think Megaman is the most underrated character in the game. Just because he's a blue cutesy little robot, people think he's a joke. Megaman just happens to be in the top 15 characters in the game. His Megabusters and Rockballs own all. Posted by oORYUOo on 04:29:2001 12:12 AM: mega man is my 3rd best characters. and i have beaten many skilled magneto and cable players with him. anyways, try this combo: hk, air combo: lp, lk, hyper mega man. its pretty cool. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 04:29:2001 04:51 PM: thanks...whoa this is some nice stuff...i just started to use himn recently as a joke but i found out that when i go to arcades...he owns...its nice cuz i used him and the other 2 guys in my team and i had a nice 14 win streak going on...also to prevent a fushdown i use then ken or cammy aaa which is better to use...i use cammmy in my other team w/ psy aaa and IM w/ meg and sent(to prevent rushhdown...cammy or ken? Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 04:29:2001 08:56 PM: also on a scale of 1 to 10...wt do u think? Posted by Dynamyte2U on 04:29:2001 09:46 PM: I give top tier characters 9 - 10. Second Tier Characters 7.5 - 9 Megaman happens to be among the top of the second tier, so i'll give him an 8.5 Posted by maGe on 05:02:2001 07:05 AM: bullshit: you had no 14 win streak going on and you only started using him because you saw Alex Valle (calipower) use him in a tourney video... dont bullshit a bullshitter Posted by Archangel21 on 05:02:2001 02:07 PM: use the leaf shield and fire it to cable while doing the viper beam and if cable do that hyper viper beam use the drill, no one can match that even storms hail storm. try it Posted by syscobeam on 05:03:2001 03:15 AM: yup...mega man can own!!! i played him pretty well wit storm and senti =)...and the trap... it really can work effectily juss used this pattern 1. jump fierce and hold 2. land call out either assist and drop rock ball 3. c. rd to kick the ball and let go of fierce... 4. then repeat... kinna fun to do...everyone said it was cheap but i dont koe...i may not work all the tyme but today it ruled Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 05:03:2001 03:19 AM: seems like its fun ill have to try it and btw mage shows how much u know...i mean yeah must have know my record since u were playing was 14 and i used the team for kicks at 1st...not because of ha! 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